We had our first Breakfast and Bible Study
of the year last week. The picture to the right shows our introductory activity (a lot like speed dating) in which each student gets to spend 45 seconds with a mentor answering questions like “describe a visit to a hospital” or “what is your favorite gift ever?”. During this time I had an overwhelming feeling of excitement (maybe even pride) at the interest our students demonstrated in engaging in conversation with caring adults. We currently have 15 students and 15 mentors with 8 students on our waiting list. There are 3 potential new mentors who are observing and training over the next couple of weeks.
Following our group activity we broke into one-on-one time where mentors and students discussed together the meaning of faith from Hebrews 11. Following this discussion each mentoring pair shares goals and prayers with one another. Filling in for an out of town mentor, I shared one of my goals with Ladarius, “I want to keep making my wife laugh”. This idea was fresh on my mind following Ann Romney’s speech at the Republican National Convention in which she mentioned Mitt’s ability to make her laugh even after forty years of marriage. (The cynical part of me dismissed this remark as a political consultant’s coaching to make Mitt seem more warm and real while the “I want to be better” part of me tucked it away as a worthwhile goal). Anyway, Ladarius hadn’t heard the speech but felt in my goal-setting example a request for advice. “Mr. Chan,” he started, “you could tell her this knock knock joke”:
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Ghost Who?
There’s a ghost at your door.
I’m not sure I understood the joke, but it made me laugh anyway. Ladarius enjoyed giving me marriage advice and he enjoyed the personal sharing of goals and prayer requests. I was reminded of how powerful it is to ask others for help and how everyone longs to be on the giving end (even our students). I would be hard-pressed to declare one of our programs my favorite, but Breakfast and Bible Study would definitely be on the short list. We have several students praying right now for a mentor to volunteer so they can move from the waiting list into the Breakfast and Bible Study community.
If interested in volunteering, please contact Martha at martha@prestontaylorministries.org.
Hal and Martha Wilson Center
4014 Indiana Ave
Nashville, TN 37209
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Nashville TN 37209
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