
A key factor that strongly influences a young person's success in life is having a supportive relationship with an adult. PTM offers numerous mentorship opportunities for you to invest in the life of child.

Apply to be a Mentor
  • Lunch Buddies

    A Lunch Buddy eats lunch with a child (K-8th) in their school cafeteria once a week for thirty minutes. You can go any day that suits your schedule, and it can even change from week to week. Mentors are trained and matched by PTM’s staff who will help support these “joy-filled friendships.”

  • Breakfast and Bible Study

    PTM 4th-8th graders have an opportunity for mentorship on Thursday mornings during the school year from 6:45-7:45am for breakfast followed by Bible Study.  After breakfast, mentors meet with students to read and study scripture together. Discussion outlines are provided and typically speak to PTM’s core beliefs.

  • Dinner and Devo

    PTM 9th-12th graders have an opportunity to come to PTM on Monday evenings during the school year from 6:00pm-7:30pm for dinner followed by one-on-one time with a mentor. There are opportunities for mentors and mentees to enjoy fellowship experiences with one another. 

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