The PTM Youth program is all about family. We participate in a variety of programs to help build a sense of “connectedness”–connection to a caring adult, connection to a positive peer group, connection to a sense of self, connection to a sense of purpose, and connection to work-ready competence. These connections happen through formal and informal programs like those below.
The Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship program teaches students the value of owning a business and the actions necessary to create, as well as maintain, one. Furthermore, we seek to equip students with the resources and experience required to put their ideas into action. Our goal is to endow students with the necessary confidence, independence, and responsibility required to take on any entrepreneurial endeavors they may pursue throughout their lives.
The Community Night Youth Program is a joint youth program where Middle and High school students meet from 5:30-7:00 on Wednesday nights for dinner, games, worship, and family groups. Community Night Youth participate in regular guys/girls' nights out, service projects, and out-of-town retreats.
PTM 9th-12th graders have an opportunity to come to PTM on Monday evenings during the school year from 6:00pm-7:30pm for dinner followed by one-on-one time with a mentor. There are opportunities for mentors and mentees to enjoy fellowship experiences with one another.
Next Steps prepares Seniors for life after high school. The purpose of this program is to provide one-on-one college and career support for Seniors in High School. Students will have a one-on-one mentor who checks in with them monthly regarding their academic achievement, future college or career readiness, goal-setting objectives, and overall well-being.
Additionally, we recognize this milestone with a Senior Banquet and a Senior Trip.
A big part of the PTM Youth experience is the “afterhours” opportunities to explore colleges, museums, overnight retreats, and outings. These experiences help inspire dreams and build life-long positive friendships.
We also celebrate our unique cultural heritage through events such as Africa & Hispanic Heritage Nights.
Hal and Martha Wilson Center
4014 Indiana Ave
Nashville, TN 37209
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PO Box 90442
Nashville TN 37209
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