1819. That was my laundry number at Davidson College. One of t
he many perks of attending Davidson for me was the ability to stuff all of my dirty clothes into a button up shirt, tie it together, drop it off in the morning on my way to breakfast and be able to pick it up the next day—all folded (or on hangers if preferred). Sometimes my clothes were even ready the same day. I learned early to buy underwear a couple of sizes too big so that after a few washings and dryings it would fit more comfortably. I know that a college laundry service sounds a little exuberant. I’ve always been just a little bit embarrassed about that luxury, but I certainly enjoyed walking by the old laundry this past June as Ginger and I attended our 20 th
Class Reunion.
When we went to the President’s Address on Saturday morning my heart started beating faster as she spoke about the awesome opportunities that Davidson provides—small classes, interaction with faculty, students from all over the world, and a student body that is committed to service. She charged us (indirectly) with being good stewards of what college life had provided. I was certainly in her corner having heard the message, “to whom much is given, much is expected” since before I was born. Mixed in with some of the more worldly thoughts inherent in most college reunions (“Will people think my hair has receded?””Will people be impressed with my career?”,”Will they think my children are bright and attractive”? “Do I have spinach in my teeth?”), I had a thought that felt sincere—perhaps holy. PTM, as an organization, has been given much (a dedicated staff, an outstanding board of directors, a very talented and generous volunteer staff, some remarkably sacrificial donors, a group of students and parents that are buying in to what it means to be part of the PTM family), and much is expected.
So far, 2012 has been an incredible year. We are ahead of schedule with contributions. We are on track to establish a third satellite site in the Fall of 2013. We just added Martha Willis to our staff as our Volunteer Coordinator. We added Dwight Johnson as our junior high director and increased the hours of that position from 16 to 25 to allow for more students and a more present ministry. The number of volunteers is growing and there is much momentum among students and their parents.
As PTM officially begins on August 13th I am hopeful that this will be a school year of growth in every area. If you are not already, we would love for you to become involved in a meaningful way with the ministry of PTM. For more information, please contact Martha at martha@prestontaylorministries.org.
Hal and Martha Wilson Center
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Nashville, TN 37209
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Nashville TN 37209
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