Summer Intern Series: Meet Erin

June 25, 2015

2 Years, 20 Ice Cream Cones, and One Incredible Father

I still remember my first day of volunteering at Preston Taylor Ministries (about 2 years ago … wait, how much time has flown by?); Martha Willis and I entered into a room of squealing children, volunteers running around, and one of the most powerful, yet uncommon auras: the feeling of steadfast love and warmth.  I am not going to lie, my first day at PTM was rough.  I didn’t understand the rotation schedules, the children were taking advantage of my “newness,” and I was frequently frustrated by my insufficient ability to lead children.


Working at PTM was not easy.

Nature hike RA Fast forward two years, and a lot of things haven’t changed. My name is still Erin, I am still a Vanderbilt student (Go ‘Dores – have you seen our baseball team?!), and I still can’t resist stopping at Bobbie’s Dairy Dip on the way back from PTM.  But one big thing has changed over the years at PTM: my ability to lead children.  PTM has helped me develop in my leadership abilities, and I am now leading a wellness program at PTM called RISE Above.  I, with my intern-in-crime, Alex (check out his blog post here! ), are equipping children with the knowledge to make positive nutritive choices in a media-driven world.  Over the last few weeks, I have reflected on how much I have developed as a leader at PTM.

Nature hike RA 2Hmmm. But has PTM really helped me develop my leadership skills?

I think so, yes.  But PTM has shown me something of much greater importance in regards to leadership: letting the sovereign Lord lead through me, rather than relying on my own abilities.  Psalm 37:5 says, “Commit your ways to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.”  I can lead children all day, but handing Jesus the reins has been the wisest, humbling, and relieving thing I have done during my tenure at PTM.

Have you given the reins to Jesus recently? If not, I would love for you to come to PTM and experience the living God – experience the joy of letting Christ intercede for you.  If you have, come out to PTM anyway – we’ll swing by Bobbie’s on the way out.

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