Jeraney, a senior at Republic High school, is a good personification of the old saying “still waters run deep” When asked to describe himself the words that come to mind are “chill, laid back, caring, funny and loving.” He can be seen around the Calvin House sharing his love of cool shades with Tristan French, Mr. Terrance’s young son.
Q: Jeraney, you have been at PTM since early elementary school. What are your first and favorite memories of your time at PTM?
A: My first memories are of playing football, singing songs, Fun Friday and doing homework.
Going to Gatlinburg is my favorite memory
Q: Why do think of Gatlinburg as your favorite memory?
A: We were all together. We went to get ice cream together and it was really fun.
Q: Who is someone that you admire and why?
A: Mr. Terrance. He maintains work and being a good father for his child. That is something I want to do someday, too.
Q: If you could have lunch with someone living or dead who would it be?
A: Tupac. He was passionate about equal rights for people. I really liked his music. I would ask him, “What is your view on the world the way it is now?”
Q: Has there been an experience in your life that left your forever changed?
A: When my stepdad died. I learned to be more grateful for people in my life.
Q: What do you like about Republic High school and what is your favorite subject?
A: The culture. The people, friends and teachers. I like history because I like learning.
Q: What are your plans after high school?
A: College. Maybe electrical engineering. Something technical.
Q: What makes a good friend?
A: Loyalty, honesty and love.
Q: What is something you do that makes you happy?
A: Being with my friends and hanging out.
Q: Your favorite thing for breakfast?
A: Eggs.
Q: When you think of your life in 10 years what do you see happening?
A: Being on my own, supporting myself. Being a college graduate. Maybe having a family.
Thanks, Jeraney!
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