“Don’t give up. Keep a positive mindset. Don’t worry about your size. Keep working hard.” These are some of the lessons Aubre, a starting center on the Hillsboro High School football team, has learned from experience. “When I was younger, I was small and wasn’t getting to play much. The coaches saw me
working hard and my name got out a little more. This year I am in a starting position.”
It is admirable that Aubre appreciates what he can learn from the stories of his older family members.
His Grandad comes to mind when asked who someone is he admires. “Listening to his stories helps me to apply the stuff he learned to my own life. He teaches good life lessons.”
Q: Aubre, what are some words you would use to describe yourself?
A: Athletic, smart, hard worker. A thinker.
Q: You have been at PTM since your freshman year of high school, what is your first memory and your favorite memory?
A: First memory is playing basketball with Mr. Jay at St. Luke’s. Favorite memory is going to Mr. Dave’s lake house and going out on the boat.
Q: After you came the first time why did you keep coming back?
A: I liked the environment. It was fun. And I don’t go to church but could still learn about spiritual things here.
Q: If you could have lunch with anyone living or dead who would it be?
A: My mom’s sister who has passed. I would really like to hear stories about her and my mom growing up together. My mom talks about her and has good memories.
Q: Favorite subject in school and a favorite teacher?
A: Favorite subject is math. It is easy for me. Favorite teacher would be Ms. Haywood who taught science and math. She made up raps to help us learn. It was a cool class.
Q: What are your plans post high school?
A: I will likely go into the Air Force. My Grandad has talked to me about it. I could go to college while in the service.
Q: When other people say your name what do you hope they think about?
A: That I am a good person and unique. A hard worker.
Q: What is something you do that makes you happy?
A: Sleeping! We do a lot of weight lifting and I am tired from practice.
Q: When you think of life ten years from now what is happening?
A: Maybe living out of state or out of the country. No family yet. Maybe a girlfriend. Working with computers. Something technical maybe with math.
Thanks, Aubre, and Go Burros!
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