Sports boil down to the math.
Score a basket and get one, two or three points.
Five fouls get you benched.
Books record our team’s assists, shots, baskets, fouls, and more.
Let me tell you about some other math I did on Saturday. Last year PTM had two basketball teams with 16 total players. This year PTM has six basketball teams with 40 total players.
From my seat those are not even the most impressive numbers. I went to 4 of the 6 games on Saturday and the most encouraging statistic for me was the number of fans championing our players. Fans like – moms, grannies, dads, friends of the parents, site directors, a PTM high school student coach, a mom and dad of a PTM coach, brothers of players, sisters of players, friends of players, volunteer coaches like Ryan, mentors like Miles or Pat, team sponsors like Aja, and PTM volunteers like Laurel, Leah, Ruth, Rod, or Melora. From my seat there were 43 fans and coaches at the four games I attended.
Math is insufficient to account for the happiness behind our players’ smiles, the resiliency players’ build, or the encouragement students’ experience from their parents, friends, peers, volunteers, and mentors yelling their names and applauding their effort. Math can’t count the love we have for our students.
However, from math we know before May, we need:
Can we count on you?
If interested in multiplying the impact for our students by becoming a mentor, please contact Bethany ( If you would like to support mentoring (or sports) at PTM, by making a contribution, you may donate online.
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