One comes away from a conversation with Dylan, a senior at KIPP Academy, knowing he is wise beyond his years. He could likely write the companion book to “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”. He is a deep thinker and seems to have a good grasp on the human condition. He also plays a good Jesus as needed for Calvin House skits.
Starting at PTM programming in the third grade, he remembers feeling nervous, but the nerves dissipated when he saw the playground at Wilson Center which looked very huge to the eyes of a third-grader! He has been a part of PTM programming since.
Dylan agreed to chat with us for our Senior Profile series:
Q: What are some words you would use to describe yourself?
A: I strive to be very accepting, very understanding. I try to keep an atmosphere around me of being very approachable. I have a pretty good sense of humor.
Q. Who is someone you admire and why?
A: Mr. Dwight. He is always there for me and is like a father figure to me.
Q: If you could have lunch with someone living or dead, who would it be?
A. It might sound weird but Hitler. I would want to ask him, “What were you thinking? Was what you had in your head space just, honorable and correct? If it wasn’t those things, why
did you go through with it?”
Q: What do you think is an important trait in a friend?
A: Understanding. You can’t really experience people unless you seek to understand. If there is a bump in the road, how can you reconcile if you don’t understand where they are coming from?
Q: What are some hopes and dreams you have for next year post-high school?
A: College. I want to study Kinesiology and be a physical therapist. Through PTM connections, I have recently been able to talk with four different physical therapists. PT is what I want to do.
Q: Has there been an experience in your life that forever changed you?
A: My mission trip to Haiti last year. It stripped away my ego. It was very humbling. It made me value the people and things I have much more. We take so much for granted that they value highly. Like toilets. Here, we don’t think a thing about having toilets but they are highly prized there.
Q: What is a favorite memory of your time at PTM?
A: Our high school trip to Gatlinburg. It was fun mainly because everyone was there- everyone I have known at PTM through the years. There were no arguments- we were just all together and that made it good.
Q: What is something you do that makes you really happy?
A: Sleeping
Q: Can you tell me about a favorite teacher you have had?
A: My 5th, 6th, 8th grade reading teacher at KIPP, Ms. Norman. She was “cool”, really made me feel gifted, kinda showed me favoritism.
Q: So, she helped you to see things in yourself that you didn’t see?
A: Yes, that is it.
Q: Favorite book that you have read?
A: To Kill a Mockingbird- it is very well-written.
Q: Ten years from now where do you see yourself? What do you envision your life being?
A: Buy a house if I don’t have one. Marriage has always been important to me but no kids yet! I think I will still need more wisdom for that. Being a physical therapist, being able to take care of myself and my family emotionally, financially and physically. Being an active church member.
Q: When someone says your name, what do you hope they think about?
A: That I am a positive person with a good sense of humor. I am someone they can count on, confide in, go to for help and I don’t have to be the closest person to them but they can know Dylan’s got their back.
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