On the very first day of PTM’s summer program, J’Twan walked in the Wilson Center and pronounced, “I get to help the little kids.” J’Twan (goes by the stage name of Applesauce) is going into the 5 th grade. He is participating in RISE this summer which is housed at Park Avenue Baptist Church. As part of our transportation plan (three shuttles) some of our RISE and Calvin House students are dropped off at the Wilson Center for 30 minutes while the bus makes other rounds. RISE and Calvin House students who arrive on the first bus are helpers for our K-4 th grade students who are doing their morning work while other students are being picked up.
J’Twan started at PTM when he was a kindergartner with an exceptionally high-pitched voice. He has taken advantage of every PTM program (afterschool, lunchmate mentor, PTM Life, Breakfast and Bible Study, many field trips, Barefoot Camp). He has gotten into his fair share of trouble, but has a smile and demeanor that can brighten a room. Watching J’Twan’s excitement about helping others with their academic work makes me hopeful and reminds me of the way all of us were created with a desire to serve others. Also, I am a
ware that a large number of people have “helped” and will continue to help J’Twan. In doing so, we are sowing seeds that God will keep growing into an abundant harvest. I am thankful for all of the people who help create the opportunity for J’Twan to serve others.
Hal and Martha Wilson Center
4014 Indiana Ave
Nashville, TN 37209
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