“When I spend time with my mentor it is mornings. She is fun. One morning I woke up one good, beautiful Thursday morning. I went to PTM. I saw my mentor Mrs. Ann. She brought me chocloate covered mints. They are good. We ate breakfast. I ate a cinnamon roll, cereal, orange juice, and fruit. It was really delicious. We went in our special room (Ms. Jenny’s reading room). We are reading Mark. We read the Bible every week. But before we read the Bible we play a game and pray. When I’m with my mentor I feel like I’m special. I can’t wait to go next Thursday.”
I also know what it feels like to feel special. My mother and father always made me feel special growing up. I also had the huge luxury of friendships with three men (Bill Patton, Roger Edwards, Lee Brotherton) who intentionally helped me to grow as a Christian by spending one-on-one time going through scripture and praying with me. When I watch Essence and others at PTM interact with adults who have the courage to ask them how they are doing spiritually, to help them understand scripture, and who take the initaitive to pray with them I sense God’s pleasure–which always makes me feel special.
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Nashville, TN 37209
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