Recycle Your Tree and Support PTM!

Each Christmas Season, PTM students, staff and volunteers collect undecorated trees to be recycled. For a small fee, you can support PTM and keep that tree out of the landfill!

A Few Important Details:

  • Trees must be completely undecorated and at the curb or driveway. For the safety of our students, staff and volunteers, we cannot go inside to collect trees.
  • Trees cannot be flocked (Metro recycling won't accept flocked trees).


Thank you for supporting PTM by registering to recycle your Christmas tree. Unfortunately, our routes are full.


If you are interested in being placed on the waiting list, please email Ellen Peterson at and

she will reach out to you if spots become available.

Don't have a real tree to recycle? Volunteer for the pick up team.

All you need is a truck or trailer and a strong back. We'll provide the routes and the gloves!

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